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A protection order is a court order which prohibits another person from engaging in certain conduct towards you, or orders that person to stay a certain distance away from your home, work, or other location This order makes it a crime to violate any of these terms. Coleen can assist you in making sure you obtain a protection order, because she is skilled in presenting evidence and legal arguments to the court. In a prosecution of protection order case, Coleen would present to the court a comprehensive picture of the incidents of verbal abuse, threats, actual physical domestic violence, or damage to your home or property that have occurred.


Coleen has a history of success in defense of protection order hearings, largely due to her criminal defense background. Protection order cases are considered very challenging to defend. Protection orders are used as a weapon, day in and day out, in courthouses across the nation, and courts are often in a very difficult position deciding whether to grant a protection order request, because frequently it is a he-said, she-said situation. Preparation for these hearings usually requires a quick turnaround time to get ready. This is because it is often difficult to obtain continuances of protection order hearings, as opposed to other types of hearings.